Eventtechnik Studio Toursupport Mikme


Phonico stands for respectful handling of music. No matter if event or on tour, we provide you with professional equipment and qualified, motivated staff. A detailed listing will follow shortly. Event- and Toursupport, Recordings by Phonico

Since 01.01.2018 we are also official MIKME distributor. In our store you can find info for the new revolutionary MIKME microphone – wireless, with integrated audio recorder and audio/video iOS app. Take a look at what MIKME can offer you.

Recording Revolution - MIKME

What is MIKME?

You like to film skate videos with your buddies? You are a singer-songwriter and compose music? Or you produce video podcasts for your blog? MIKME is the perfect solution for these and many other applications. With the wireless studio microphone with integrated audio recorder and the iOS app, you can create audio-video productions of the highest quality – see for yourself in our VIDEO GALLERY.